DigiDCL NewsFeed

Registration for Spring Semester Courses

Academic year 2023-24 students of the ΜΑ in Digital Transformation: e-Diplomacy, e-Campaigning, and Digital Law are required to register for the Spring semester courses of their specializations from 17/04/2024 to 13/05/2024 at https://sis.panteion.gr/unistudent/ using their unique u-register codes.

Instructions can be found at the following link:

❗Students are asked to pay attention when registering for the courses: a) GLOBAL TRADE AND NEW ORGANIZATIONAL ECOLOGIES FOR DIGITAL SERVICES: please select 14M009 for the e-Diplomacy Specialization and 14M017 for the Digital Law Specialization and b) CRISIS, CONFLICT, NETWORKING AND PUBLIC INTEREST: please select 14M006 for the e-Diplomacy Specialization and 14M016 for the e-Campaigning Specialization.

For any problems encountered during the registration process, please contact the IEAS Department Secretariat or the IT Department at foititologio@panteion.gr within the deadline.
2024-04-17 21:45 PROGRAM UPDATES